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11 Reasons to Schedule an Appointment at a Dental Clinic Right Now

While many people make it a point to see their dentist at least once a year, not everyone does. In fact, around 20 percent of people never go in to see any dentist. Some of them likely have excellent dental health. Some of them likely have financial concerns or simply fear the dentist. If you’re in the never or rarely visit the dentist group, keep reading for 11 reasons you should schedule an appointment at a dental clinic right now.

1. You Haven’t Been to a Dental Clinic in a While

Just because you haven’t noticed a problem with your teeth, it doesn’t mean that a problem doesn’t exist. One of the biggest reasons to see your dentist on a regular basis is so that you catch dental health problems as early as possible. It not only helps preserve your teeth but catching problems early is almost always less expensive.

2. It’s More Affordable Than You Think

Many dentists have a reputation for handing out huge bills. While it’s true for some dentists, a dental clinic will often offer you access to an affordable dentist. Plus, most of the big bills come from major procedures, not for a checkup and cleaning.

3. You Spot a Cavity

You should definitely schedule an appointment for Liberty Lake dental care if you spot a cavity. It’s more likely than you might think. Among those who are 20 to 64 years old, approximately 25 percent of them have at least one cavity. Unfortunately, a cavity isn’t something that will go away by itself. It will only grow worse without dental care and may eventually destroy your tooth.

4. You Have a Dental Emergency

Let’s say that you take a spill and hit your mouth. It just hurts most of the time. Sometimes, though, it leaves you with a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth. With this kind of dental emergency, you need immediate emergency dental treatment to either preserve the tooth or get the process started to replace it.

5. You’re Experiencing Pain

There are few things more distracting than a severe toothache. While toothaches may go away by themselves, they often get worse and worse over time. If you have a toothache that won’t go away, it likely means that you have a loose filling, a loose crown, or your tooth is damaged in some way. A severe toothache can even signal an abscessed tooth. Regardless of the cause, you’ll want a dentist to look at your tooth as soon as possible.

6. Your Smile Embarrasses You

If you didn’t grow up with a lot of dental care, you may have crooked or misaligned teeth. That can leave you embarrassed to show your teeth when you smile. A dentist can help you achieve that picture-perfect smile you want with treatment options like Invisalign.

7. You Have Existing Tooth Damage

Sometimes, people don’t want to smile because they have existing damage to their teeth. For example, maybe you lost a tooth earlier in life and couldn’t have a dental implant at the time. Maybe you have visible cavities that you don’t want people to see. There are many restorative dentistry options that can improve or repair your smile.

8. You Have Existing Dental Repairs

Dental repairs are typically quite sturdy and last for years, but fillings and crowns aren’t lifelong fixes. You and your dentist need to keep an eye on them to make sure they come loose at the end of their working life. Keeping an eye on those repairs lets you get replacements when the time comes without the filling coming loose or the crown falling off.

9. You’re Pregnant

Believe it or not, hormonal changes can actually make you more prone to certain kinds of dental problems. Since women experience so much hormonal change during pregnancy, they’re much more likely to develop gum disease during pregnancy. It’s common enough that it even has a name: pregnancy gingivitis. You should consult with your doctor and your dentist about whether you should schedule additional dental cleanings during the second and third trimesters.

10. Your Gums Are Giving You Problems

Another reason you should visit a dental clinic is if your gums are giving you trouble. If your gums become inflamed are you notice bleeding after brushing or flossing, it can be a sign of gum disease. Much like cavities and other dental problems, gum problems typically won’t go away on their own. You’ll likely need attention from a dentist.

11. It Supports Your Overall Health

Many people don’t realize it, but there is a connection between your dental health and your overall health. Poor dental health has been linked with several problems, including:
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
Keeping your teeth healthy certainly isn’t a cure-all, but it’s one less thing in your life that will contribute to those other medical problems.

Dental Clinic Appointments and You

Making an appointment at a dental clinic is often at the very bottom of peoples’ to-do lists. Many dread the possible bill, while others worry about the potential pain of things like a root canal. Yet, leaving dental problems to take care of themselves only makes things worse. The best thing you can do is make an appointment and start the repair process. If you don’t have any lingering dental problems, regular visits to Liberty Lake dental care clinic are the best way to avoid them.

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